Every year, Helium Comedy Club crowns a Portland comic our "Funniest Person." This week, the preliminary rounds are wrapping up, with these comics competing: Zak Toscani, Jake Silberman, Bri Pruett, Dinah Foley, Alana Eisner, Ben Harkins, Caitlin Weierhauser, Trevor Thorpe, Iris Gorman and Elizabeth Teets.
For a more voyeuristic show, watch hotel guests in swimsuits sneak by the stage at Al's Den (next to the Crystal Hotel pool).
On Wednesday, while Curtis Cook tours the nation, the Earthquake Hurricane show goes on. Nariko Ott will replace Cook as co-host this week, and if you know either of them, that's a comedic swap in itself.

Related: What to see on stage this week, stupid kids or American idiots?
Al's Den Comedy Night
Danny Felts brings comics—mostly local stand-up comedians and Seattleites passing through—for an hourlong showcase. Sometimes the best part is watching Crystal Hotel guests awkwardly sidle by the stage, wearing only a swimsuit and towel, on their way to the pool behind this basement bar. Al's Den, 303 SW 12th Ave. 10:30 pm Fridays and Saturdays. Free. 21+.
Curious Comedy Open Mic
Sign up start at 7:15, and every comic gets a tight three minutes onstage in this weekly show hosted by Andie Main. Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
477-9477. 8 pm Sundays. Free.
Earthquake Hurricane
After a week off, EQH is back, sans Curtis Cook. While Cook headlines around Ohio and California, hosts Alex Falcone, Anthony Lopez and Bri Pruett hold down the fort, with guest host Nariko Ott. They're probably Portland's top comics today, and the bike shop's bar stays open till 10:30 (officially). The guests are Jason Traeger, Jon Durnell from L.A. and Walker Glenn from San Fran. Velo Cult, 1969 NE 42nd Ave. 9 pm. $5 donation.
Extra Cheese
Brodie Kelly's weekly pizza party/comedy showcase gives locals a tight 5 for standup, and coincides with happy hour: $2.50 pints. Hotlips Pizza, 2211 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 234-9999. 8 pm Mondays. Free.
Open Court
This weekly, long-form improv show combines performers from many Portland theaters and troupes. Newbies are welcome and teams are picked at random, then coached by an improv veteran before taking the stage. Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
477-9477. 7:30 pm Thursdays. $5.
Portland's Funniest Person Prelims
The search for Portland's new funniest person continues, and only three preliminary rounds remain. Week 3 of the competition closes out with performances by Zak Toscani, Jake Silberman, Bri Pruett, Dinah Foley and Alana Eisner. The second-to-last evening of preliminary comedy features Ben Harkins, Caitlin Weierhauser, Trevor Thorpe, Iris Gorman and Elizabeth Teets. Helium Comedy Club, 1510 SE 9th Ave., 888-643-8669. 7 and 10 pm Thursday and Tuesday, June 23 and 28. $10. 21+.
Reefer Madness
Anyone who's smoked a J knows the inevitable hallucinations, hit-and-run car accidents, suicidal ideation, manslaughter and general descent into madness that follows, as the 1936 propaganda film Reefer Madness first taught us. Funhouse's musical transforms the scare piece into lighthearted satire. Funhouse Lounge, 2432 SE 11th Ave., 503-309-3723.
7 pm Thursday-Saturday, June 23-July 23. $25-$30.
Rod Man
Winner of the eighth season of Last Comic Standing, Rod Man continues the recent run of LCS alums visiting Portland. With credits including Nick Cannon's Wild 'n Out, BET's One Mic Stand, and The Bad Boys of Comedy on HBO, Rod Man is the type of comic who, if you miss him in a club, you'll see him starring in his own sitcom (he's got something in development with Wanda Sykes). Helium Comedy Club, 1510 SE 9th Ave., 888-643-8669. 7:30 and 10 pm Friday-Saturday, June 24-25. $25-$33. 21+.
Sunday School
Workshop students, veteran crews and groups that pre-register online perform long form improv every Sunday. Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 477-9477. 6 pm Sundays. $5 suggested donation.
Brody's students showcase their improv, sketch and standup skills—a different class each week. Brody Theater, 16 NW Broadway, 224-2227. 7:30 pm Thursdays. $5.
Thursday Night Throwdown
Curious' twice-monthly competition pits teams that apply in advance online against one another for a chance to compete in Friday Night Fights the next week. It's first come, first served, and every groups gets 17 minutes. Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 477-9477. 9:30 pm every second and fourth Thursday. Free.
Willamette Week