Approximate tickets sold for the Laurelhurst Theater's most-popular movie of the year, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, a kid-on-the-run indie comedy from New Zealand director Taika Waititi.
Weeks that Hunt for the Wilderpeople ran at the Laurelhurst, its longest-running movie of 2016. Its run ended Dec. 22.
Sold-out shows of Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight on 70 mm at the Hollywood Theatre. That's $400,000 worth of tickets.
Years the Clinton Street Theater, the oldest movie theater in Portland, has been open.
Consecutive weeks the Clinton Street Theater has been playing The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the longest-running weekly screening of the film in the world.
Times The Martian was rented at Movie Madness, its most-rented movie of 2016.
Times the fifth season of Game of Thrones was rented at Movie Madness, its most-rented TV show.
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