OMSI just opened a new exhibit, The Art of the Brick, a 12,000-square-foot showcase of Lego art by Nathan Sawaya. But OMSI isn't doing much to incorporate Lego art into popular adults-only event, OMSI After Dark. We decided to help. Presenting Legos After Dark.

A Portland Bar, $89.99
Kit includes bartender and one customer.
Limited Quantity.

A Portland Homeless Camp, $49.99
Kit includes everything shown.
Limited Quantity.

A Cannabis Dispensary, $69.99
Kit includes everything shown.
Limited Quantity.
The Art of the Brick is at OMSI, 1945 SE Water Ave., 503-797-4000, omsi.edu, through May 29. $19.75 adult, $15 senior, $13.50 children 3-13.

The Strip Club, $79.99
Kit includes everything shown.
Limited Quantity