4920 NE Cully Blvd., 503-477-8981; 2606 SE Gladstone St., 971-544-7685; 7737 SE Barbur Blvd; attistrading.com. 10 am-8 pm Monday-Saturday, 11 am-7 pm Sunday.
When people talk about the emergence of a new class of cannabis entrepreneur, they mean guys like Attis owner Eli Bilton. Attis is one of Oregon's top emerging chains, with three locations in Portland and a fourth at the coast. The shops offer an experience that's pleasingly consistent, and as is becoming the norm, the selection includes super-premium options and a bargain bin, with very little in between. Sativa-dominant eighths sell particular well in Cully, especially as part of the daily "super sale," when at least one strain will be $6.25 per gram, tax included. Loyal customers can get a shopping card and be rewarded with a 25-cent joint after 10 visits to any location.
Willamette Week