At a time of great civic angst, the one thing Portland can agree on is the airport.
Sure, it pulled out the beloved carpet in 2015. But since then, Portland International Airport has gradually transformed into a diorama of the city itself. It's got a Powell's and a Pendleton store. It's got doughnuts from Blue Star, and Country Cat serves its famous skillet-fried chicken. There's even an offshoot of the Hollywood Theatre, screening locally made short films.

The more the airport adds, the more it looks like a neighborhood you'd consider moving into. Last year saw the addition of craft boutique and record label Tender Loving Empire. In the coming months, PDX will add Deschutes to a bar scene that already includes Laurelwood and Henry's Tavern. Providence is also about to open an express care facility onsite, where you can purchase over-the-counter medication and send out prescriptions for pickup.

It's the little things, too—like the overhead heaters in the rideshare waiting area, which are much appreciated when you step off the plane from balmy Southern California into an icy Portland night.
Most airports make you yearn for the sweet relief of a cramped international flight. Ours makes you wonder why you'd want to leave at all.

2. TriMet Could Soon Stop Charging Life-Ruining Fines
3. You Can Now Smoke Weed While Listening to Live Classical Music
4. Oregon's Unemployment Rate is Incredibly Low
5. Your Favorite Sports Team is Only a Short Walk Away
6. The Blazers Star in Some Weird-Ass Commercials
7. We Now Have a Mountain Bike Park in the City
9. Portland is the Playground of Japanese Architect Kengo Kuma
10. You Can Soon Stream Local Music at the Library
11. Oregon Just Became the First State to Defelonize Hard Drugs
12. East Portland is Getting an Aerial Tree Walk
13. We're the World Capital of Canned Wine
14. Portland is a Hotbed of Small Bookstores
15. Unlike any Other City, We Have Multiple Niche Comedy Festivals
16. Our Developers Are Privatizing Socialism
17. The Nation's Best Airport Keeps Getting Even Better
18. We're Home to the World's First Sneaker Design School
19. Portland Scored the World's First Dog Tap Room
20. Weed Prices are Falling From Cheap to Damn Near Free, and We Haven't Yet Found the Bottom
21. Our Local Mini-Mart Chain Makes Snickers Give You Free Candy Bars
22. The View From the MAX Orange Line is One of the Most Striking and Beautiful Paintings in the City
23. We Are Still No. 1 in Semifactual Superlatives
24. We Make Biking So Accessible
25. You Can Crowdfund Anything Here
26. We Find So Many Ways to be Anti-Trump
27. Our Malls Are Becoming Cultural Embassies
28. Our Humane Society Rescues Pets From All Over the Country