In Portland, sexual exploration needn't be a solitary affair. Whether you're curious about polyamory or looking to learn proper bondage techniques or just want to see a comedian tell dirty jokes while getting naked themselves, there are plenty of opportunities to get out of the house and find your scene—damn near every night of the week.
Close-in Munch at the Liquor Store
A "munch"—not to be confused with the painter or late-night cravings—is a meet-and-greet for those interested in getting involved with a specific kink community. The Close-in Munch meets weekly for newbies and veterans of the BDSM world to connect in a low-pressure environment. The Liquor Store, 3341 SE Belmont St., 6-9 pm Mondays.
Whipper Snappers Munch at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub
If the Close-in Munch isn't your crowd, the Whipper Snappers Munch just might be—it's yet another local BDSM gathering for the kinky and kink-questioning. Lucky Lab Brew Pub, 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 5-8 pm first Saturday of the month.
Bad Girls Kinky Women's Munch at Escape Bar and Grill
Ladies night only happens once a month, and it's not for discounted margaritas. S&M club Bad Girls hosts a munch for kinky women of all orientations to meet and bond over all things leather. Escape Bar & Grill, 9004 NE Sandy Blvd., 7-9 pm second Tuesday of the month.
PDX-Rated at Bossanova Ballroom
It's basically an adult playground for voyeurs and exhibitionists, with less daylight, more nudity, and different types of toys. Bossanova Ballroom, 722 E Burnside St., 503-206-7630, First Friday of the month.
FemDom Bootcamp at SubRosa
Flipping traditional gender roles in the bedroom is a skill, and skills take practice. Fetish space SubRosa offers bi-weekly classes for individuals and couples interested in fighting against toxic masculinity, starting in the dungeon. SubRosa, 2601 SE Clinton St., Every other Thursday. $50.
Classes at She Bop
We could all stand to be a little more educated on sexual communication and technique. Sex-positive adult boutique She Bop is happy to provide with informational classes throughout each month. She Bop, 3213 SE Division St. Visit for dates and times.
Portland Rope Arts Social
Knowledge on rope bondage goes beyond what you might have learned as an Eagle Scout. The Portland Rope Arts Group allows people of all experience levels to practice in a safe and educational environment. Catalyst, 5224 SE Foster Road, 503-726-9930. First Saturday of the month. $5.
Booklover's Burlesque
What do Virginia Woolf and a burlesque show have in common? An empowered female audience, for one—but also Portland's regular Booklover's Burlesque performances, which combine book readings with a titillating show. Visit for dates, times and venues.
The Felt Sense
Why did storytelling circles have to end in elementary school? The Felt Sense brings together women to talk about all things sexuality and sensuality without shame—an erotic game of icebreaker, if you will. Visit for dates and times.
Portland Mystery Box Show
Oversharing is the name of the game at this live storytelling event, where no tale is too strange, vanilla or embarrassing. Comedians, authors, and everyday Portlanders take to the stage to share those sexual diary entries that were never meant to see the light of day. Next show is Dec. 15 at Alberta Rose Theater, 3000 NE Alberta St., $22-$45.
Stand Up Smut
Lots of standup comedy is sexual in nature, but for this open mic, X-rated material is mandatory. Erotica, poetry, songs and stories are welcome. Visit for details.
Comic Strip
That age-old tip to picture the crowd naked when you're experiencing stage fright is on full display here, just in reverse—standup comics must remove an item of clothing each time the Stripmaster rings the bell to continue their set. Once a month at the Funhouse Lounge, 2432 SE 11th Ave., 503-841-6734, $8-$12.
Hump Film Festival
Yeah, it's that other newspaper's big annual event, but it's sort of hard to ignore. Writer and activist Dan Savage has brought Portland a new kind of amateur porn since 2005, featuring short dirty movies created by everyday folks outside of the adult entertainment industry. Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St., Nov. 8-23. $20-$25.
Portland hasn't been named the kinkiest city in America for nothing. For 21 years, the Portland Leather Alliance has presented KinkFest, where the BDSM, leather and fetish communities are celebrated through educational classes, play parties, and all the products you can get your hands on. The 22nd annual KinkFest will be held April 10-12, 2020. Venue to be announced,
For four consecutive years Portland has hosted Polytopia, a symposium designed for those who are intrigued by the world of polyamory and open relationships. Meet new friends and lovers and discover the city's diverse polyamorous community. Visit for details on the 2020 event.
Portland Erotic Ball
It's hardly your high school prom—the annual Portland Erotic Ball is an elaborate three-story event featuring stilt walkers, aerial dancers, burlesque performances and an entire floor of fetish demonstrations. You just missed this year's 20th anniversary edition, so set your Google alert for next year now. Portland Erotic Ball happens every October. Crystal Ballroom, 1332 W Burnside St.,

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