Admit it: You're still fascinated by Insane Clown Posse. Sure, you act like you're repelled by them and their fan base, the Juggalos, but the truth is you really don't know nothing about them…and kind of want to find out. So, with the Detroit-raised cult heroes coming through town this week, we went ahead and put together the following exhaustive primer.

Jugga-Allies and Jugga-Enemies
A guide to who's down with the clown and who's just a hater.

Ron Jeremy
The famously hairy porn star has gathered with many Juggalos.

Ice Cube
The sometimes rapper and star of Friday After Next, Are We There Yet? and Janky Promoters performed at the Gathering in 2011.

Vanilla Ice
The one-hit wonder turned house-flipper signed with Insane Clown Posse's label, Psychopathic Records, in 2011. Happily, Violent J has not dangled him from a hotel balcony by his ankles.

Kid Rock
The White Trash Elvis is featured on the ICP track "Is That You?"

Jack White
A former critic of hip-hop, White commissioned ICP to record a rap-rock cover of a Mozart song and released it through his Third Man Records label. This actually happened, we swear.
Classified "Juggalos" as a gang.

Owned Hollywood Records, which pulled the release of The Great Milenko, canceled ICP's tour and terminated its contract. The album was later picked up by Island Records.
Promoted ICP as performers for a party he was hosting before actually asking them to play. This started a yearslong feud that has led to multiple assaults and insults.

Beastie Boys
Allegedly tried to have ICP remove the line "fuck the Beastie Boys and the Dalai Lama" in a song called "Fuck the World." (But, seriously, fuck the Beastie Boys.)

Sharon Osbourne
Filed a lawsuit against ICP for kicking Coal Chamber—a band she managed at the time—off a tour.

A glossary of selected Juggalo terms
Assed out: Broke.
Blue neck: When a Juggalo rocks so hard at the Carnival his makeup starts to run down his neck.
Chicken: A redneck. Always offered as an insult.
Dark Carnival: The mythology that stretches across most of ICP's discography, depicting an afterlife in which souls go to a limbolike space and are judged for their individual actions.
Faygo: The inexpensive Michigan-made soft drink of choice for Juggalos.
Gangslang: A group of punk-ass bitches talkin' shit about your Juggalettes.
Hatchet: The icon representing Psychopathic Records, where all the real Juggalos are signed.
Juggaho: Fake-ass Juggalo.
Juggalette: Female Juggalo.
Juggalo: From "What Is a Juggalo"
— "Oh, he gets butt-naked / And then he walks through the streets / Winking at the freaks / With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks"
— "He just don't care / He might try to put a weave / In his nut hair / 'Cuz he could give a fuck less / What a bitch thinks / He tell her that her butt stinks / And all that"
— "He drinks like a fish / And then he starts huggin' people / Like a drunk bitch / Next thing, he's pickin' fights / With his best friends / Then he starts with the huggin' again"
— "A Hulkamaniac / He powerbombs motherfuckers into thumbtacks / People like him 'til they find out he's unstable / He Sabu'd your momma through a coffee table"
'Lo love: Short for "Juggalo love."
MMFWCL: A Juggalo greeting meaning "much motherfucking wicked clown love."
Neden: Vagina.
Ninja: "Bro," "dude" or "man."
Nurdle: A bowel movement, as in, "Ninja, I gotta go have a nurdle.
These muthafuckin' Faygos are tearing up my ass."
Richie: A wealthy person.
Ryda: A down-ass Juggalo or Juggalette who'll ride-or-die you.
Whoop Whoop: How to say "What's up?" to other Juggalos.

Fuckin’ Magnets, How Do They Work?
A Jugga-Explainer
Insane Clown Posse wasn't necessarily wrong categorizing magnets as "miracles," because science still doesn't quite understand them.
We know that magnetism happens because of magnetic fields created by moving charged particles—usually electrons. Every atom in an object generates a magnetic field, but they typically point in different directions, canceling one another out. If you line them up, though, they create a net magnetic field, and boom—magnetism.
The theory from classical physics states that magnetic fields are clouds of energy that surround magnetic particles and pull in or push away other magnetic objects. But there is another theory in quantum mechanics that electrons actually emit undetectable particles that tell other objects to move away or come closer. The verdict is still out.
So until further notice, motherfucking magnets are indeed a miracle.

Wicked Ryda of the Portland Juggalo Family on Portland's Juggalo factions and tensions caused by North Portland gentrification:
More Jugga-facts:
Posse Time: A Historical Insane Clown Posse Timeline
Name That Juggalo: Which Psychopathic Records Artist Is Which?
All 13 Insane Clown Posse Albums: Ranked
SEE IT: Insane Clown Posse plays the Hawthorne Theatre, 1507 SE Cesar E. Chavez Blvd., with Young Wicked, DS8 and Knothead, on Tuesday, May 31. 6:30 pm. Sold out. All ages.
Willamette Week