A world where Michael Jackson never died, disco never went out of style, and the night never ends.

A summer daydream in which Tame Impala and St. Vincent go swimming in a moonlit Technicolor lagoon below a sky of shooting stars.

Missy Elliott living in Future's future.

Your best friends coming over to your house to validate your feelings and let you know that you are loved.

A communal shouting party soundtracked by rhythm-heavy jams.

Harry Nilsson stumbling out of the Know into the light of day, wondering just where the hell his life went so wrong.

An early-'90s garage-rock 45 set to 331/3 RPM, with the volume turned down.

Kathleen Hanna stomping on '90s Blink-182 records.

Falling asleep stoned listening to Loveless and dreaming you're a character in Reality Bites.

The Wire if it were set in St. Johns.
Willamette Week