Uber and Lyft Drivers Complain Their Take-Home Pay is Dropping

As ride-hailing companies lower prices, drivers say they must drive more miles and spend more on gas.

The ride-hailing company Uber reduced its prices nationwide in February. The idea, Uber said, was to increase ridership.

But Portland drivers are complaining they need to work longer hours and pay more for gas to keep up.

This week, Lyft cut its prices to match Uber's. Drivers are discussing forming a union.

The lower rates take a bite out of what drivers take home after paying a 20-percent surcharge to Uber. Newer drivers give even more to Uber: 25 percent.

Before the change, a 13-minute, 4-mile journey from Providence Park to Prost! on North Mississippi Avenue would cost a passenger about $13. With the price cuts, the same ride would cost about $10. Drivers say that means they're taking home about $7 instead of $9.


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