At 8:45 this morning, the line outside Powell's City of Books was somewhat small, considering the store held a limited-supply of the Donald Trump tell-all, Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff.
The book's publishers announced its expedited release yesterday, motivated by a cease and desist from Trump's lawyers.
"Based on what I've read about Trump trying so hard fight the release of the book, I anticipated there would be a longer line," said Ellie, one of the first in line.

Just before doors opened, the early release-eager crowd stood at about 20. Most said this is the first time they've ever waited in line for a book.
"We're here so we can laugh," said two older men in line together. "This is a moment of respite from the insanity."

According to Powell's employees, the store received around 40 copies of the book. About five minutes after opening, an announcement was made that those 40 copies had sold out. (The store expects another small batch of copies when it opens at 9 am Saturday, then a larger supply on Monday.)
Maria Moiel and her husband snagged two. Moiel was excitedly photographing her husband in the cashier's line with the book. She asked the rest of the line to hold up their books and smile.
"Anything that can help cause the president to be impeached will help us sleep better," Moiel said. "These are crazy times, and I lived through Watergate."

Moiel's excitement wasn't shared by everyone.
Dan Rhodes, a college professor visiting town from Chicago, was in Powell's this morning. But he hadn't come for the book release. In fact, he was a little disheartened.
"Excited is kind of a tragic word for this," Rhodes said. "Sure the book is salacious, but it's plain to see the disaster we're in."
"I'm sure it just confirms our worst suspicions," he added, "that the president is a nut job."