House Speaker Paul Ryan Will Fundraise Tomorrow with Rep. Greg Walden Just Outside Portland

Fundraising will benefit Walden and the national Republicans. The location is a secret.

U.S. House Spaeker Paul Ryan (Gage Skidmore)

U.S. Rep. Greg Walden is hosting a fundraiser with the top Republican leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday.

For between $2,500 and $25,000 a person, donors can attend the dinner event at Wilsonville location that was not named on the invitation. (Larger donations gets you photos.)

House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will attend. The proceeds will go to Walden, National Republican Campaign Committee and the Republican National Committee.

The secrecy of the location, in a suburban town 17 miles south of Portland, suggests Walden is seeking Portland dollars and ease of access—without risking a blue-city backlash.

Walden is seeking reelection this November. He's had an eventful summer—successfully pressing for the presidential pardon of two Eastern Oregon ranchers imprisoned for arson and unsuccessfully backing the nomination of Portland prosecutor Ryan Bounds to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

OPB first reported the event on Friday. Here's a link to a copy of the invitation obtained by WW. 

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