Home Baking Co.
2845 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-4631, astoriacinnamontoast.com. 6 am-5 pm Tuesday-Saturday.
Three Finnish immigrants opened this bakery way back in 1910. It's best known for its cinnamon toast—sweet bread toasted for preservation, so that it's like a sweet cracker—but the shelves have other Scandinavian pastries, plus cardamom bread and regular ol' American doughnuts.
106 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2190, josephsons.com. 9 am-5:30 pm Monday-Friday, 9:30 am-5:30 pm Saturday, 10 am-5 pm Sunday.
Once upon a time, Astoria was the salmon canning capital of the world. Few of the originals remain on cannery pier, but Grandpa Anton's smokehouse remains, still smoking fish and oysters after 90 years. It does most of its business by mail, but if you stop in you can snag a whole half-salmon for about $30. Pick up some bagels, and be a hero to your office.
Finn Ware
1116 Commercial St., Astoria, 800-851-3466, finnware.com. 10-5 pm Monday-Saturday, noon-4 pm Sunday.
This Scandinavian gift shop takes nationalism to the extreme, stocking everything Norwegian alongside gift-shop standards. "Love from the coast" post cards and nautical-striped scarves hang next to Finnska licorice, gnome dolls, Viking hats and a Bjørklund cheese slicer ($19.95).
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