Top 5 Food Carts of the Year | 20 Amazing Bites for $7 and Under
Cheap Eats by Cuisine: African | Breakfast and Brunch | American Comfort
Burgers and Dogs | Chinese | Diet: Veg/Gluten-Free/Paleo | Indian | Islands | Japanese
Korean | Latin American | Mexican | Middle Eastern/Med. | Old World | Pizza
Sandwiches | Sweets & Treats | Thai/Cambodian | Vietnamese
From the Editor
Portland is a great place to be a cheapskate. Each year, we put out our Cheap Eats guide to the best restaurants in Portland with dinners under $15 and lunches under $10, and each year there's an embarrassment of riches. (And heck, if you want to go even cheaper, we've got a gallery of 20 amazing bites for $7 and under.)
Don't get us wrong: We love a fine $100 prix-fixe meal. We also like a good hourlong foot rub. But if you've got $100 in your pocket and want to have a lot of fun, the spots in this Cheap Eats guide can keep you busy on that budget for a week.
Really, you could eat for a year among the 150-plus spots in this guide without repeating yourself once. It's an urbane version of adventure and discovery—like off-road cycling or hot-air ballooning.
Amid the strip malls and five-lane suburban highways of Beaverton's Koreatown, second-story noodle shops hide in the back of supermarkets stocked with durian candy and porcelain spoons. In Cully, a neighborhood best known for discount auto-body work, the former sous chef of a fine-dining restaurant cooks up a $10 Yucatecan soup that's stained black with chilies. In a Clackamas strip mall next to a former tanning salon, you can now get charred New Haven pizza topped with house-cured bacon.
Meanwhile, the city's food carts, spreading from the valleys of Hillsdale to the used-car lots of Southeast 82nd Avenue, serve up Georgian, Belizean, Mauritian and Ethiopian food for prices that let you make a new discovery every day of the week.
We pay tribute to the riches found at our city's food carts—essentially a giant laboratory of food—by naming our five favorite new food carts, including our 2014 Food Cart of the Year. We do so knowing that some of these, in a year or two, will have moved into brick-and-mortar restaurants, making way for a brand-new crop of streetside culinary experiments.
It is our hope that you'll treat this guide as a treasure map. But if you do happen to find something uncharted, please send us a postcard at mkorfhage@wweek.com.
Eat well.
Matthew Korfhage
Editor, 2014 Cheap Eats
Editor Matthew Korfhage
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Willamette Week
Published by City of Roses Newspaper Company
Send comments to: mkorfhage@wweek.com.
WWeek 2015