The Lutz claims to have reclaimed Pabst Blue Ribbon for the modern Portland youth. It's a dubious claim—I credit Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet—but it is true that for decades this old-school, diner-countered, deep-boothed drinking hole managed to serve Reedies, old rockers and rank-and-file preservers of the AFL-CIO to equal satisfaction. And PBR's a union beer, served to young and old alike ($2 tall boys, thanks). Even the bartenders were traditionally split among old and new: one for you, one for me, like a Steven Soderbergh film resume. The bar's been upgraded in recent years, but this mostly just mean's the diner-style food's edible and there's no pay phone. But if you hang around past 11 pm on a Friday, the wild union boys of Woodstock again arrive to reclaim the place, smokin', hootin', hollerin', who cares? It's the Lutz.
Happy hour: 4-6 pm and 11 pm-2 am daily. Food specials.
Entertainment: Pool, Metallica pinball, patio.
WWeek 2015