Bar Guide 2014: The Fixin' To

The Fixin' To

8218 N Lombard St., 477-4995, 2 pm-2 am Monday-Saturday, 2 pm-1 am Sunday.

Owner Marli Blasengame isn't from the South, but her husband is from Arkansas—a framed photo of Bill Clinton in a Razorback hat hangs in the corner of this bar themed with Southern whimsy. As a Southerner, I can attest it's only an approximation: The St. Johns Sweet Tea, with bourbon and triple sec ($6), isn't sweet enough for me, but I can't fault the chicken and dumplings ($5.50-$7.50). It's more an attempt at playfulness than authenticity. Out front, a new tent is home to bingo on Mondays. The shuffleboard table has been given the boot, but it's replaced with a 6-foot Game Boy where you can play Earthworm Jim. AARON SPENCER.

Happy Hour: 4-6 pm Monday-Friday. Food specials; $1 off wells, microbrews, St. Johns Sweet Tea and the Down 'n Out (a shot of Old Crow and a pint of Rainier).   

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