Restaurant Guide Staff and Contributors

Editors Martin Cizmar, Matthew Korfhage

Art Director Amy Martin

Copy chief Rob Fernas

Copy Editors  Matt Buckingham, James Yu

Editorial contributors Penelope Bass, Deborah Kennedy, Rob Fernas, Brooke Geery, Jordan Green, Angie Jabine, Rebecca Jacobson, AP Kryza, John Locanthi, Kat Merck, Brian Panganiban, Matthew Singer, Adrienne So, Enid Spitz, Michael C. Zusman

Photographers Nolan Calisch, Daniel Cole, Amaren Colosi, Chris Onstott, Thomas Teal

Production Manager Dylan Serkin

Ad Designers Xel Moore, Mitch Lillie

Director of Advertising Scott Wagner

Advertising Assistant Iris Meyers

Account Executives Maria Boyer, Michael Donhowe, Rich Hunter, Matt Plambeck, Kyle Owens, Sharri Miller Regan, Bruce Greif, Kevin Friedman

Marketing & Promotions Coordinator Steph Barnhart

Accounting Manager Chris Petryszak

Credit/Collections Shawn Wolf

Manager of Information Systems Brian Panganiban

Circulation Director Mark Kirchmeier

Associate Publisher Jane Smith

Publishers Richard H. Meeker, Mark L. Zusman

Published by City of Roses Newspaper Company

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