Strain Review: Green Crack


The two most common words describing the psychoactive effects of cannabis are “high” and “stoned”—but have you ever considered the difference between the two? They’re often used interchangeably, but that doesn’t exactly make sense.

When we're talking about Green Crack, which I got at Nectar on Northeast Sandy Boulevard, we're talking about gettin' high. Testing at MRX Labs puts the flower at 29 percent THC. That's the highest I've seen at a Portland dispensary, but it doesn't mean much. First, because THC is the psychoactive component in marijuana, it doesn't work exactly the same as ABV does with booze. THC gets you high, but a combination of terpenes and cannabinoids determines the feeling of the high. Second, some labs test at a higher rate than others, and there's incentive for strains to test high for THC because, well, I'm writing about one of those now.

Green Crack gives you wings. Which is nice, you know? Sometimes it's great to imagine whole worlds and dive into fantasies like a giant tower of money mostly rendered in coin. It's fun to swoop and bob and be lighter than air for a while, to see your own world from above for a brief time. The crack nomenclature is overblown—thankfully, the fadeaway from this well-raised bud is as soft as your average cannabis comedown—but sometimes it's nice to remember the lesson of Icarus: Melted wax is so cool to touch! 

WWeek 2015

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