Beer Guide 2015: Coalition


2705 SE Ankeny St., Suite C, 894-8080, 5-9 pm Friday, 2-9 pm Saturday, 2-6 pm Sunday.

[TAP THIS INSTEAD] Last May, Coalition's lease ran out on its taproom. Though I mourn the loss of that chummy space—it's now Tap That, a bar I refuse to visit based on the name—the good news is that the 10-barrel brewing operation continues going strong across Ankeny. Three days a week, Coalition welcomes tipplers into its production facility, where drinkers set on an assortment of wooden stools and chairs, taster trays resting on upright barrels that double as tables next to gleaming steel vats. Also still going strong? The old-school hip-hop soundtrack: De La Soul, Tribe Called Quest, Wu-Tang Clan. Seven of the eight taps dispense seasonals and reliable standards, including the supremely well-balanced Two Dogs IPA and the toasty Bumps Bitter ESB, while the last handle is devoted to test batches and beers made in collaboration with homebrewers. A recent honey wheat underwhelmed, but was apparently much improved from the first batch. Far better was the Night Cap, a coffee IPA that gets floral brightness from Ethiopian Yirgacheffe beans and a citrusy jolt from Citra and Cascade hops.

DRINK THIS: In fall and winter winter, the Night Cap coffee IPA. Come spring or summer, the delightfully citrusy Space Fruit.

WWeek 2015

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