2117 NE Oregon St., 353-6368, 6-10 pm Wednesday-Saturday.
[NOT QUITE YET] There are two schools of thought to
cracking a new brewery's doors. Some want to wait until they've got
their own beer to pour, others go the Culmination route, holding a big
opening shindig, then inviting everyone out to drink from their guest
taps for a few months. You've gotta pay the rent, right? So far, this
7,000-square-foot operation just south of I-84 in Kerns has only a black
IPA made on Lucky Lab system's for sampling, a beer which tastes a lot
like a Lucky Lab beer. Owner Tomas Sluiter, formerly of Old Market, has
big plans, including a serious focus on sake, a recording studio and
live music.
DRINK THIS: Whatever they've got.
WWeek 2015