Beer Guide 2015: Doomsday


421 C St., Washougal, Wash., 360-335-9909, 4-10 pm Wednesday-Friday, noon-10 pm Saturday, 2-8 pm Sunday.

[APOCALYPSE EVENTUALLY] It's a saturated market out there, and everybody's gotta think about differentiation. Doomsday stands out by plastering their walls with the iconography of nuclear annihilation and zombie uprisings. Despite the hefty dash of Armageddon and hypermasculine beer labeling, the target market primarily seems to be families. Headed by a slew of citrusy ales, the beer list is heavy on fruits, vegetables and spices. The pink-tinged Beatdown Beet Wheat won a people's choice award at last year's Spring Beer & Wine Fest, and a satisfying swirl of cinnamon warms the Wildfire Winter Ale. The Outlaw Mint Chocolate Imperial Stout, on the other hand, clocks in at 8 percent and isn't recommended unless you're homecrafting spearmint NyQuil and need a sample to contrast and compare. Despite photos and paintings of mushroom clouds, Doomsday's space is cozy enough to post up the family for a Saturday afternoon of board games and pints—that's ultimately what a suburban sudslinger should be.

DRINK THIS: The Cascadia Fault CDA, which is roastier than the Ender Vanilla Porter.

WWeek 2015

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