Beer Guide 2015: Bend Beer Escape


901 SW Simpson Ave., Bend, 541-385-8606,

As in life, so in Bend, the best things are free. Any day of the week, you can show up at Deschutes's sprawling factory and take a tour of crazy machines that crank out your favorite beer and stop in the bar for free samples. Which is to say, Deschutes will give you a free beer every day that you care to visit, no questions asked.

Crux Fermentation Project

50 SW Division St., Bend, 541-385-3333,

This brand-conscious brewery won fans with its large line of intensely farmy IPAs and pale ales, often sold in pricey wax-dipped bottles. If you're into that, check out this opulent, faux-industrial pub where people from California go to get $12 nacho plates on a base of Fritos and with a stanky concoction called Pilsner alfredo sauce.

10 Barrel

1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend, 541-678-5228,

Dylan goes electric! KISS takes off its makeup! Hulk Hogan goes Hollywood! OK, 10 Barrel may have sold its soul to the devil—er, Anheuser-Busch—but, for now it's same as it ever was at the Bend pub. It's packed. They have a huge host of IPAs on tap, nachos with steak and bacon and tasty Neapolitan pies.

Silver Moon

24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend, 541-388-8331,

The low-key Silver Moon isn't a tourist draw, but it's worth a visit. Unkle Pilsner is sweet and honeyish. The Hop Knob is kick to the face. And it's across the street from Glazed and Amused, where you can tend to your drunchies with doughnutty obscenities such as the Car Bomb, topped with Baileys cream cheese, triple-chocolate brownies, whiskey-caramel drizzle and crushed toffee peanuts.


37 NW Lake Place, Bend, 541-323-2325,

Boneyard is in a corrugated metal shack in a quiet neighborhood. There's no food or place to sit down. You can't even order a pint. But you can get tasters for a buck (the first one's free), buy a shirt and fill up growlers with super fresh RPM.

Cascade Lakes

1441 SW Chandler Ave., Ste. 100, Bend, 541-388-4998,

Cascade Lakes is on the highway to Mount Bachelor. Even if it's not a convenient pit stop from the slopes to your hotel or your buddy's house, it's worth a visit. Blonde Bombshell might be ubiquitous enough up North, but they have plenty of tasty, less well-known offerings. Paddleboat Porter is creamy and grainy.

2015 Oregon Beer of the Year | Favorite Oregon Beers # 2-10 | Oregon Beer Awards

Portland-Area Breweries from A to Z | Astoria | Bend | Hood River | Portland Beer Bars

An Oral History of Cascade Kriek | Celebrity Oregon Beer Picks | Beer Calendar

Best Growler Spots | Homebrew Shops | Kid-Friendly Brewpubs | Beer Bodegas

Top of the Shelf: Saisons | Imperial Stouts | Imported IPAs | Wheat Beers | Barleywines

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