Bar Guide 2015: Cascade Barrel House

LIVE FROM THE BARREL: It's Cascade beer!

939 SE Belmont St., 265-8603, Noon-10 pm Sunday-Monday, noon-11 pm Tuesday-Thursday, noon-midnight Friday-Saturday.

As Lloyd would say, "the beer flows like wine" here at the House of Sours. Cascade Barrel House dedicates its taps to upward of 20 barrel-aged sour beers, ranging from its world-beating Northwest kriek to seemingly endless explorations into spiced and fruited blends such as honey, lime and ginger. It gets spendy, but treat yourself to the tasters. Just think of it like wine, which is what brewmaster Ron Gansberg was making before getting into the beer biz. The best time to go is Tap It Tuesday, when you can watch a rare barrel get whacked with a hammer. Beware of standing in the front row—you never know when you'll get a gusher.

WWeek 2015

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