Bar Guide 2015: Higgins Bar

1239 SW Broadway, 222-9070, 11:30 am-midnight Monday-Friday, 4 pm-midnight Saturday-Sunday.

Not so long ago, this tastefully tatty, wood-paneled barroom was a prime spot for power lunches with The Oregonian journos who ran this town. When many of them got laid off, this is where they had their wake—funded by a tab donated over the phone. The survivors were relocated to a random office building down by the Cookie Cabana. Now hyenas like us waltz right in and grab a soft, leather-topped stool. We order a pint of Upright and a burger made with grass-fed beef served on a rugged house-baked bun with stanky blue cheese dripping off onto the side salad. We chat freely about upcoming stories. When you eat lunch at Higgins, life is pretty good.

Entertainment: Listening to lawyers from out of town tell you how Portland used to be, with surprising accuracy.

Our Favorite 178 Portland Bars | Bar of the Year: Stammtisch | Best Bars No. 2-5

Strip Club Hangouts | Sports Bars | Shot 'n' a Back | English Bars | Dessert Cocktails 

Patio Bars | Bars That Look Like Houses | Skee-ball Bars | Cart Pod Bars

Where to Eat After Bar Close | The Most Important Little Bar 'Hood in Portland

WWeek 2015

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