Bar Guide 2015: Vintage Cocktail Lounge


7907 SE Stark St., 262-0696, 5 pm-close daily. 

This Montavilla spot—staffed seemingly exclusively by bearded men—often makes cocktails with dulcet, subtle tones rarely tasted elsewhere among Portland lounges often bent on the fiery, herbal and medicinal. For example, a gently beige Ainsley made with rum, génépi and pineapple; a Nameless made with chamomile; or a Warm Hand, Cold Heart that thickens chocolate vodka and Kahlúa with stout. It is an almost quaint refuge, in a drink-heavy small-town district at the edge of Tabor, now home to every snowboarder who decided to start a family and seemingly half the fashion designers who actually decided to start a business.

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WWeek 2015

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