Portland's graffiti isn't street art like it used to be.
Montague's spray paint and sweat barely dried before Bonfire's owner called, wary of criticism and violence, asking Montague to redo the mural or see it painted over.
work now consists mostly of commissioned murals on authorized walls,
like the side of Lowbrow Lounge or the wall Chapter 24 Vineyards asked
him to live-paint during the winery's Memorial Day tastings. He also
gives PowerPoint presentations at elementary schools. Other artists are
making their mark online, like the anonymous founder of the Invoice PDX
blog, and the former graffiti artist called TLC switched to a tattooing

On May 11, developers started demolishing the burnt-out concrete shell of Southeast Clay Street's old Taylor Electric building, which once lured tourists and photographers after street artists made it their mecca. By summer, Killian Pacific plans to develop the site into a 60,000-square-foot industrial office building.
âThatâs where I started making my art,â says the anonymous founder of local graffiti blog Invoice PDX.
With a keen eye, you'll find a story-high eagle in flight on Northwest Hoyt Street and alienlike green orbs that Jeremy Nichols sprayed on a Southeast Belmont Street garage. But the city's adamant zero-tolerance policy and graffiti abatement program mean most tags get covered quickly.
They'll always find somewhere, Montague says: "If you have to hop a fence to get there, you're painting for other street artists and cred, not as public art. We go around and see the lettering, etc. It's an art form appreciated like a well-played tennis game."
"Grandfathered walls," painted before the Regional Arts & Culture Council adopted a no-tolerance policy, get to stay painted. They can be passed on, if the right paperwork crosses the right desks, as in the case of Bonfire.
Maybe street art peaked too soon after a crew called Gorilla Wallflare spray-painted Portland's first mural (so street art legend goes) along Southeast Division Street in 1982.
âStreet art had its day in Portland already,â Montague says. âIt was in the â90s.â
Maybe the new streets are lined with retail, like the bottom level of 240 Clay, buzzing with day-trippers like the Highway 99W tasting room at Chapter 24 Vineyards, or cybertrafficked by shoppers buying Invoice PDX stickers via SquareSpace.
WWeek 2015