One dumb decision may put five local taxi companies out of business and 1,000 people out of work. For what? So Mayor Charlie Hales can sit at the Big Boy table? ["An Immigrant's Fare Fight," WW, June 3, 2015.]
This whole ordeal stinks. The only people who win here are Hales and Uber and Lyft. The cab drivers and the passengers are going to get chewed up.
It's called competition. If you can't deal with competition and losing your monopoly on something, then you don't deserve to be in business.
People forget this is a consumer-run world. If the consumer wants it, let them have it. Government has no right to step on what the consumer wants.
I live below Mount Tabor and support a new cellphone tower on Mount Tabor that will improve service for the T-Mobile customers in our household and around the neighborhood ["Pole Position," WW, June 3, 2015].
NIMBYism happens over everything—cell towers, skinny houses, naked bike rides, homeless camps, you name it.
—Benjamin Kerensa
Mayor Charlie Hales should be investigated because he is in the pockets of his developer friends. I am sure he has made a lot of money with the contractual agreements he made with them. It's a conflict of interest.
—"K B"
Gov. Kate Brown is right. Michael Rodgers made the right call, 100 percent ["Defending the Whistle-Blower," WW, June 3, 2015].
Get that guy back to work. We need more like him, standing up to those who can harm them, and doing the right thing at great personal cost.
—"Lily Bart"
Last week's Murmurs column incorrectly stated the amount of marijuana $350,000 could buy in the current Portland market. That much money could buy 120 pounds. WW regrets the error.
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WWeek 2015