- Getting drunk before noon. That's what it's all about.
- Best cycling day ever, anywhere. The streets in downtown London were shut down: No cars, only buses, a few taxis and lots of bikes, going as fast as they want, and taking up every lane. Look at this guy. He could've ridden that thing all the way from Portland.
- Face paint and "football" jerseys. Go Timbers! Er.
- Dressing up.
- People dressed down.
- Lots of facial hair.
- Dogs welcome.
There was a big do-to about a supposed black bloc plan to disrupt the celebrations—all bogus of course. This "Anonymous" fellow above showed up, however. There was lots of Jesus talk. The Anglican Church is not as relaxed as you might think. The food was bad. Mmm, mushy peas. The beer was bad. Microbrew is an unknown here. The coffee was worse. I had to add several shots of Bailey's Irish Cream to mine in order to make it palatable. Ultimately, as I came to see, the similarities outnumber the differences. The next royal wedding should be in Portland. It'd be a hit.
WWeek 2015