City Hall: What Mayoral Staffers Make

Mayor Sam Adams released his proposed budget Tuesday. And at a press conference to announce the $400 million-plus package, he touted new efforts to improve services for the homeless, Portland's struggling secondary students and residents who live east of 82nd Avenue.

Last year, when city bureaus faced deeper cuts, Adams took the budget knife to his own office budget, eliminating several positions. This week, he filled two vacancies created by the departure of Roy Kaufmann—Adams' former communications director, who took a job with the Portland Office of Emergency Management in March, then left the city altogether shortly thereafter—and Kimberly Schneider Branam, who moved to Portland Development Commission.

Now seemed like a good time to examine Adams' office budget and the salaries of his 25 current employees plus his own. (For reference, last year's list of Adams' 25 employees is here.) According to Portland's human resources office, Adams' staffers make the following salaries:

  1. Robert Ingram, office of youth-violence prevention, $77,104.82
  2. Cevero Gonzalez, executive assistant, $68,616.08
  3. Reese Lord, education strategies/youth coordinator, $56,535.18
  4. Kali Ladd, education strategies director, $66,830.40
  5. Skip Newberry, economic adviser, $56,535.18
  6. Jennifer Yocom, deputy chief of staff, $82,771.26
  7. Thomas Peavey, office of youth-violence prevention, $57,054.40
  8. Amy Ruiz, communications director, $75,000
  9. Lisa Libby, planning and sustainability director, $69,899.18
  10. Warren Jimenez, chief of staff, $99,641.88
  11. Alacia Lauer, operations manager, $45,011.20
  12. Paul Peterson, new media manager, $51,403.30
  13. Todd Diskin, youth strategies coordinator, $49,414.82
  14. Clay Neal, executive assistant, $50,003.20
  15. Sam Adams, mayor, $118,144.00
  16. Catherine Ciarlo, transportation director, $66,820
  17. Noah Siegel, international relations director, $65,000
  18. Katja Dillman, transportation policy manager, $50,000
  19. Cary Clarke, arts and culture director, $65,000
  20. Khurshid Ansary, $45,000
  21. Antoinette Edwards, director of public safety, $75,000
  22. Amreet Sandhu, public safety adviser, $50,003
  23. Casey Ogden, $20,000
  24. Caryn Brooks, policy coordinator, $50,000
  25. Jonna Papaefthimiou, planning and sustainability adviser, $56,000
  26. Peter Parisot, economic development director, $69,899.18

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