Corvallis Man In eBay Arms Case Was Three-Tour Army Veteran

As several news outlets reported last week, Geoffrey B. Roose of Corvallis faces 10 years in prison for allegedly selling stolen military rifle scopes on eBay.

Previous accounts left out many key facts of the case, including colorful details such as Roose's eBay username: "mr.f.u.up.

As of today, a week after his arrest, the U.S. Army veteran's eBay store remains online—with 100 percent positive feedback

In a sting detailed in court documents, Homeland Security agents in Seattle posed as Romanian buyers, paying Roose $1,700 for a restricted combat scope allegedly stolen from the Army. 

Investigators plumbed Roose's email accounts and found three previous sales of restricted weapons to overseas buyers. In one email, Roose defended himself thus: 
"I spent three tours overseas and it isn't my responsibility to police the world… There is more government property wasted in a dumpster overseas than you will ever see on ebay." 
State court records show that Roose's ex-wife requested a restraining order against him during their divorce in 2009. 

Roose's Facebook page—public as of this writing—has a gallery titled "Justifiable legal Armament," showing off his gun collection and photos from deployments to Iraq, Japan and New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. 

Accused eBay arms trader Geoff Roose showed off his gun collection on Facebook.

In a Dec. 4 post, two days before his arrest, Reese wrote that he was, "as usual…kinda bored, looking through ebay, and found some[t]hing I would spend $100,000.00 on..."  


Accused eBay arms trader Geoff Roose admired this "interesting original painting."


On Dec. 7, a federal judge in Eugene ordered Roose released pending trial. Read the original federal complaint against Roose here.

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