California Traveling Show Owns Rights to Rose-Tu's Baby Elephant

Rose-Tu's baby elephant Lily.

 The Seattle Times' investigation of elephant breeding practices at zoos has uncovered a bombshell: The Oregon Zoo signed a contract that gives ownership of elephant Rose-Tu's newborn calf to a California-based traveling show that rents out elephants for weddings and movie shoots.

Times reporter Michael J. Berens writes that the female calf born to Rose-Tu on Nov. 30 is the property of "a controversial traveling elephant show that rents out pachyderms to the entertainment industry, stages circuslike events and offers elephant rides at $500 an hour."

Have Trunk Will Travel

The story goes on to say that Have Trunk Will Travel has drawn criticism for its elephant rides, often provided at weddings and state fairs.

The Times' story is the latest in a series that casts a damning light on zoo efforts nationwide to breed "glamour beasts," despite an infant mortality rate three times of that in the wild.

Oregon Zoo officials told The Oregonian late this evening that they will negotiate to keep the calf. WW will update the story as it develops.

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