Cut of the Day: "Every Mile," the Parson Red Heads

Also, win a vinyl copy of the band's new album, Orb Weavers, which comes out next Tuesday!

Orb Weavers was the album I always knew the Parson Red Heads had in them. Not to knock the band's previous two full-lengths, but they always struck me as being a little over-prepared, as if the band was holding a little something back for its live show. Thanks to the sure hand of producer Scott McCaughey, and the Red Heads' insistence on staying a lot looser in the studio, the new disc (out this coming Tuesday) has the ratcheted-up energy of the concert hall mixed just so with the lush support of the studio setting. 

The first release off this new album "Every Mile" is a perfect country pop gem, hitting the three minute mark and not wasting a second to get there. The mood is triumphal and laidback, the joyous glow that makes you want to hold on to the summer just a little bit longer so you can blast this in your backyard with the grill smoking nearby and the cold beverage of your choice in your hand. 

If you're a Parson Red Heads fan, or are new to the group, it would be in your best interest to head to the White Eagle tonight where the group will be wrapping up its "Summer Concert Series" with a performance of its last album Yearling from start to finish. Oh, and check out the little teaser video, filmed while the band was recording Orb Weavers, and get up close and personal with Evan Way like you always wanted to. 

But wait, there's more! We've got a vinyl copy of Orb Weavers just for you! Shoot an email to with the title of your favorite Parson Red Heads song in the subject line, and we'll inform the winner tomorrow when the contest closes at noon! Let's do this!

WWeek 2015

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