Do yourself a favor and refrain from perusing Maurice's website.
If you know nothing about the restaurant or owner and pastry chef Kristen Murray, the site will confuse and possibly annoy you. Is the food French? Is it Scandinavian? Does the tea bread really have "bird seed" in it? (No, it doesn't.)
Then do yourself an even bigger favor and go to Maurice anyway. This nook near Powell's features white walls, white banquettes and piles of adorable white ramekins. It's almost Martha Stewart, if Martha Stewart were a twee 30-something Portlander in a French sailor's shirt.

A delightful open-faced sandwich on Little T spelt bread ($12) arrived on a warm afternoon with gravlax, cucumbers and roe, and fresh, salted green tomatoes on the side. It was a small portion, allowing room for more nibbling, which seems to be the point.
A platter with sliced baguette, honey and figs included a sampling of cow, sheep and goat cheeses ($15). A Greek salad with beautiful ribbons of cucumber came lightly dressed ($8).
Desserts are the main attraction. A lemon pudding cake ($6) sounds exactly as it tastes. A black pepper cheesecake ($7) is not too sweet. And an array of teas—black, green, herbal and more—gives you the perfect excuse to linger.
Pro tip: Maurice does serve coffee, but no espresso drinks.
GO: 921 SW Oak St., 224-9921, 10 am-7 pm Monday-Saturday. $-$$.
Willamette Week