Portland's Pip's Original doughnut shop is on the receiving end of what its owner calls "hateful emails" and "fear and intimidation tactics" after a job posting that said the shop didn't want to hire people with "non-medical, non-religious dietary restrictions."
Pip's is a fresh-fried artisanal mini-donut shop on Northeast Fremont Street whose doughnut flavors include a maple-glazed bacon, amid many daily specials. Their posting on service-job website Poachedjobs would seem to exclude vegans or non-celiac gluten-free people from working there, as those lifestyles "would stop you from tasting, accurately representing our treats and maintaining quality control."
On a Facebook posting Saturday, July 23, Pip's posted the following message:
The job posting reads as follows:

They then appended screenshots of multiple Facebook reviews and public posts implying that a boycott campaign would be started against the little doughnut shop.

The Facebook page for Pip's has since filled with hundreds of people voicing their opinions on both sides of the issue—with Pip's weighing in heavily.

Hundreds have commented publicly on the page—whether promising boycott or voicing support, with some asserting that Pip's is breaking anti-discrimination laws.
Co-owner Nate Snell declined to comment to WW, saying he'd received far too many phone calls already from people wanting to share their opinions on both sides. But on Sunday, he made it clear that the shop was maintaining its policy.

Willamette Week