Say what you want about Wiz Bang Bar's Tyler Malek: The dude makes cross-marketing opportunities seem like actual fun. The Pine Street Market soft-serve spot joined in the Portland push for Uncle Nearest whiskey, named after a Tennessee slave who mentored Jack Daniel whiskey company's original distiller. Wiz Bang is serving up an Uncle Nearest Dilly Bar, a $7 ice cream pop made with whiskey-soaked banana chips and drizzled with a whiskey-butter caramel.

But, surprise! It's also an eerily faithful PBJ sandwich—a peanut-butter magic shell around strawberry-black-pepper ice cream. It's sweet, spicy, boozy and way less weird than it sounds: The sweet-breathed whiskey-banana hangover is a feature, not a distraction. These Dilly Bars won't get you drunk anytime soon, but they taste good enough I may start dunking my sandwiches in whiskey.