What’s Your Favorite Conspiracy Theory?

The best Portland looks this week.

(Sam Gehrke)
(Sam Gehrke)

"Bigfoot, no doubt."

(Sam Gehrke)

(Left) "That we didn't actually land on the moon and Stanley Kubrick filmed a fake moon landing for the government." (Right) "The 9/11 inside-job conspiracies. I think the most fascinating thing about that is it actually sounds plausible in comparison to conspiracy theories nowadays."

(Sam Gehrke)

"The theories that have to do with reptilian shape-shifters—like that most political and celebrity figures are ancient reptilians that shape-shift and control the world."

(Sam Gehrke)

(Left) "Anything involving alien life!" (Right) "Those Truman Show-type conspiracy theories that everyone is just on a set path orchestrated into some giant reality show."

(Sam Gehrke)

"I just finished watching a documentary about flat-earthers, which was really interesting and crazy to me. They really, truly believe the earth is flat, along with a whole ton of other stuff."

(Sam Gehrke)

(Left) "That birds aren't actually real, and that they're all just robots. I haven't done a lot of research on it, but I'd assume it has something to do with the government using them to spread diseases and create some sort of panic surrounding vaccines or something." (Right) "I'm from Nebraska originally, so I'll go with the classic chemtrails conspiracy theory."

(Sam Gehrke)

"The old one that the moon is actually made of cheese."

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