Where to Find Portland’s Emergency Handwashing and Toilet Facilities

Officials have placed sinks and port-a-potties around the city in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Timbers fans arrive at Providence Park for the March 8 season opener. (Justin Katigbak)

Part of the city of Portland's emergency efforts to slow the spread of the corornavirus is a system of newly-placed portable toilets and hand-washing stations.

City officials first announced the additional stations Wednesday, and released a list of locations today. Portland City Hall is trying to increase hygiene in a city where a disproportionately large share of the population sleeps on the streets. Homeless people don't have easy access to sinks and faucets, so the city hopes this will help.

Here is a map of those facilities and below is a list of the addresses.

Portable Toilets (with interior handwashing stations):

In place as of March 11:

1. NW 17th and NW Savier
2. SE Water and SE Morrison
3. Entrance to Springwater Corridor at Ivon
4. NE Cully and NE Prescott
5. N Going and Interstate
6. SE Division before entrance MUP
7. SE 92nd and SE Flavel

Standalone Handwashing Stations:

In place as of March 11:

1. Grand and Alder by Jacksons
2. SE 3rd and SE Ash
3. St. Francis
4. SW Naito and SW Morrison
5. NW 29th and NW Industrial
6. SE 79th and SE Powell
7. NE MLK and Union Ct. (near Delta Park)

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