Dave Chappelle fans in Portland have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the last couple days. First, it was announced he was doing a last-minute show in Portland and everyone lost their minds with excitement. Then, tickets sold out in under four minutes, and everyone got really, really sad.
Now, maybe, there's a little ray of hope. On their Facebook page, the Aladdin Theater, which is hosting the Chappelle show (wink), says they will not be honoring scalped tickets:
"Sadly, people are greedy and we cannot prevent re-selling. BUT. We CAN prevent the tickets from being used. So please do not spend $300 on a ticket for this show!"
But scalping tickets is still totally legal in Oregon. So the question is, how will they actually be able to enforce this? In the post, they say they will be "requiring photo ID to match all tickets that come through the door" and they "will bust some kneecaps if needed."
Already, though, it seems like this is going to be difficult to impossible to actually do. In the comments on the Facebook post, someone writes: "I have a few questions; my boyfriend and I purchased tickets for ourselves and one friend. It turns out the friend may not be able to get off work until 7 PM on Wednesday. Can we leave her ticket at will call? Will she be allowed to enter after the show has started already? Are we allowed to save her a seat?" The Aladdin responds with: "Yes of course you can!"
This, of course, is a very common situation. Not to mention people getting sick, something coming up, whatever. Will the Aladdin really not let people with tickets in the door?
We reached out to them for comment and have yet to hear back.
One piece of news that might be good for disappointed fans: In the post they say they are doing everything they can "to find and cancel any suspicious orders." So maybe more tickets will become available? Get your typing fingers ready. This isn't over yet.
Here's the full post from the Aladdin's Facebook page:
Willamette Week