Fall Arts Guide 2024

(Sophia Mick)

Our roots run deep.

In the botanical world, there’s a phenomenon known as “suckering” where new growth starts poking out of the ground from a plant or tree’s existing root structure. The process can be a pain for gardeners, but it’s a perfect metaphor for the arts community here in Portland. So much of what makes the upcoming arts season special lies beneath the surface.

A vast creative infrastructure has been developed and fostered in this city for decades, providing strong roots and a rich history for fresh talent to learn from and add to.

Portland is the ideal proving ground for artists to (sometimes quite literally) find their own voice—like the two Portland Opera chorus members who decided to start their own opera company, New Wave Opera, to highlight the work of living composers.

Other locals spend their time tending the soil. There are no finer representatives than the two men responsible for The Thesis. The monthly hip-hop showcase, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, continues to elevate artists and a vibrant music scene all too often overlooked by the city’s tastemakers.

Portland’s also become something of a launchpad for artists who head off to greater heights in other parts of the world. Though we could have listed dozens of examples, we kept our spotlight on six people who remain deeply connected to their hometown.

After nearly 30 years as a Portland resident, I’ve been lucky enough to have a front-row seat to all this new growth springing up from the arts community. This year’s Fall Arts Guide represents only a small cutting from this larger root structure that continues to grow all around us. We invite you to dig in with us. —Robert Ham, Guest Editor

Fall Arts Guide 2024

A Soprano, a Mezzo and a Composer Join Forces to Start New Wave Opera

The Thesis Remains a Proving Ground and a Celebration of Portland’s Hip-Hop Community

Six Former Portlanders Making Waves in Art

2024 Fall Arts Guide Roundup