Portland Independent Book Publisher Tin House Purchased by Zando Publishing

TikTok’s parent company partnered with Zando to distribute its publisher’s books in the United States.

Tin House Books (Andrew Jankowski)

Zando Publishing has purchased Portland’s Tin House. The New York-based publisher said in a March 10 statement that the acquisition includes the independent Portland publisher’s 200-plus titles and adjoining copyrights. Tin House founder Win McCormack will remain the imprint’s chairman. Zando will also retain Tin House’s longtime editorial leader, Masie Cochran.

Founded in 2020, Zando is best known for its successfully buzzy marketing campaigns for public figures, including Sarah Jessica Parker and former first lady Michelle Obama. 8th Note Press, the publishing arm of TikTok’s parent company, partnered with Zando for American distribution of its titles in 2025.

McCormack founded Tin House magazine in 1999 from the eponymous tin house on Northwest Thurman Street and published for 20 years. The magazine famously published work by Stephen King and Game of Thrones co-adaptor David Benioff (a co-founder on Zando’s board of directors) and a response by Virginia Woolf’s niece, Angelica Garnett, to Michael Cunningham’s novel The Hours. Tin House Books first published in 2002, and hosts a prestigious annual residency program for writers. Over the ensuing two decades, Tin House has grown into one of Portland’s most well-respected independent publishing houses.

“The Tin House name is synonymous with bold, trailblazing literary work,” Molly Stern, Zando’s founder and chief executive officer, said in a statement. “Our union is one of shared passion and an opportunity for growth for both publishers. With Zando’s support, Tin House will expand the scope of the opportunities it can pursue, while remaining one of the most impeccably curated literary presses in the industry.”

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