Watch “Saturday Night Live” Spoof Gordon Sondland In a Sketch Portraying the Impeachment Hearings as a Soap Opera

Something tells us this isn't the last time Sondland will be lampooned on the show before all this over.

IMAGE: Courtesy of NBC.

Well, it was bound to happen eventually: Gordon Sondland showed up on Saturday Night Live.

At least, someone playing the Portland hotelier and Trump-appointed diplomat did. Last night, SNL opened with a sketch portraying the presidential impeachment hearings as a soap opera—a rib on an MSNBC headline declaring that the first witnesses called in the inquiry lacked the "pizzazz" to capture public imagination.

Cast member Alex Moffat played House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Cecily Strong assumed the role of former Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovich, Kate McKinnon reprised her creepy Rudy Giuliani impression, while Mad Men's Jon Hamm cameoed as diplomat Bill Taylor.

About halfway through the sketch, Sondland, played by the criminally underused Kyle Mooney, appears to declare, "I know I said in earlier testimony that there was no quid pro quo, but that's because I had…amnesia!" And that's about it.

Related: Footage: Gordon Sondland Greeted by Chanting Protesters as He Arrives at Portland International Airport.

It's…well, about as funny as any Saturday Night Live political sketch is these days, which is to say not very. (At least Alec Baldwin wasn't around to do his terrible Trump impersonation.) But if you want to see how the show interpreted Portland's link to this whole shitshow, the Sondland bit starts at 4:39.

Ultimately, Mooney's Sondland got less screen time than Kenan Thompson as Cleveland Browns defensive end Myles Garrett, who also appears for some reason. But something tells us this isn't the last time Sondland will be lampooned on the show before all this over.

Related: Watch Owen Wilson Spoof Oregon Cult Leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in a Parody of "Wild Wild Country."

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