Today is a very special day, and no, it has nothing to do with chocolate, candy hearts or your own existential loneliness.
It's Oregon's 160th birthday!
On this day in 1859, the Beaver State was officially born. And to celebrate, one of the state's most iconic businesses is giving Oregon a present befitting an elderly loved one—a nice blanket!
To commemorate today's milestone, designer Seth Patterson, under his 84 East imprimatur, teamed up with Pendleton Woolen Mills to create what he's calling "the Most Oregon Gift Ever." The 82 percent wool, 18 percent cotton blanket bears the state seal along with two lines representing the Oregon Trail. It is warm. It is soft. It is… a very nice blanket.
And Oregon seems to agree. Within 24 hours of launching a crowdfunding campaign to help fund its manufacturing, the Kickstarter far exceeded its $20,000 goal. What can you say? It's cold here.
The campaign goes for another month, until March 14, and donating will ensure you get to wrap yourself in one, though it might be a bit warm by that point: Estimated delivery is July 2019.
Related: Pendleton Scion Mac Bishop Is Looking to Change the Game For Woolen Womenswear.