A New Documentary Will Follow Former Rajneeshee Ma Anand Sheela On Her First Trip Back to India in Three Decades

The as-yet-untitled film is billed as a look at who Sheela was "before Rajneesh."

Ma Anand Sheela

Ma Anand Sheela is coming back to Netflix. Well, Netflix India.

The ex-Rajneeshee—who helped cult leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh establish a commune in Central Oregon in the 1980s, and was a focal point of the wildly popular 2018 series Wild Wild Country—will star in a new documentary following her on her first trip home to India in 34 years.

The as-yet-untitled film is billed as a look at who Sheela was "before Rajneesh."

Related: Thirty Years Ago, "Geek Love" Author Katherine Dunn Scored a Jailhouse Interview With Rajneeshee Mastermind Ma Anand Sheela. Fireworks Ensued.

"How many women do you have who have built an entire city?" Sheela asks in the trailer, released yesterday. "And yet, all I'm known for is 'tough titties.'"

Originally from Baroda, in Gujarat State, India, Sheela lived on the Rajneeshee compound in Antelope, Ore., in the early '80s, where she served as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's personal secretary. In 1984, she directed what was, at the time, the largest bioterrorist attack in American history, purposely contaminating restaurants in the Dalles with salmonella and poisoning more than 750 people. She served 39 months in prison and eventually moved to Switzerland.

According to The Associated Press, the new documentary tracks Sheela as she returns to her family home in western India and visits Rajneesh's cremation site in the city of Pune. She is also filmed "at speeches, backstage, and on the road."

The documentary is produced and directed by Karan Johar, a major Bollywood filmmaker, the AP reports.

No word on a release date, or if it'll eventually stream in the United States.

Related: There Is a Museum in Northeast Portland Displaying Rancid Milk, Diseased Playing Cards, Defective Tampons and Pieces of the Rajneesh Compound.

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