Hear From Portlanders Living in a Neighborhood Where Gunfire Is Killing Black People
No place in Portland has endured gun violence like Hazelwood.
Many Oregon Crime Victims of Color Don’t Report What Happens Because They Don’t Trust Police
From shootings to sexual assault, Black people are greatly overrepresented as victims of violent crime—and that’s just crime that gets reported.
Black Children Are Sent to Detention Centers at a Staggering Rate, Lowering Their Chances of a Successful Future
Not only are Black youths drastically overrepresented in detention centers, but they also spend the most time there.
Two Men Died on a Stretch of 82nd Avenue Where the City Asked to Lower the Speed Limit
For 11 months, traffic safety advocates and the city of Portland have been asking state officials to lower the speed limit on a 5.5-mile stretch of 82nd Avenue.
Black Oregonians Are Imprisoned at a Rate Almost Four Times That of White People
“Prisons and the criminal legal system are designed to control and dominate certain populations.”
A State Health Survey Shows Formative Trauma Is Highest Among Oregon’s Black Children
The COVID-19 pandemic can be added to the list of traumatic experiences.