
Huber's was first founded as the Bureau Saloon in 1879, on Southwest 1st Avenue and Morrison Street—and every drink came with a turkey sandwich. They're still serving plenty of turkey sandwiches at their new location, where they've been since only 1910, a mere 106 years ago. But you're here for the Spanish coffee, which the fanciest of the bartenders like to light on fire while they're still pouring the coffee—scarily, tableside—from great height. Huber's didn't invent the drink, as falsely rumored, so much as the flair, and pours so much of it they've got plaques from Kahlua. Sit at the Turkish-windowed bar, home to a cash register older than anyone alive, and try not to get your eyebrows lit up.

411 SW 3rd Ave., 503-228-5686, 11:30 am-midnight Monday-Thursday, 11:30 am-1 am Friday-Saturday. 11:30 am-10 pm Sunday.

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