717 NW 16th Ave., 503-224-0160, yursbarandgrill.com. Happy hour 4-7 pm Monday-Friday: 50 cents of all drinks; food specials.
Established: 1970
It's easy to attribute the popularity of Yur's to the dearth of comfortable dives in Slabtown, but that would be selling the place short. Carhartt-clad journeyman who spend their days building Pearl District high-rises rely on the place for cheap breakfast, while prospective tenants of said high-rises are thrilled by the authenticity of drinking $3 PBR tallboys in a windowless room where TVs and a Big Buck Hunter machine are the only sources of light. Bikers love the place too, as do errant groups of 20-somethings who are over whatever's happening on Northwest 21st. Blazers fans appreciate the camaraderie and the $5.50 taps of Breakside Pilsner and Widmer Hefe, while weird old men who love baseball enjoy the plethora of dark booths that are perfect for nodding off between innings. Everyone loves the free self-serve popcorn, and there's something very wrong with you if you don't. Bring potential mates here and get a good look at their face as they enter. If they're comfortable at Yur's, there's a good chance you can take them anywhere. If they can't handle the day drunks or the lack of windows, well, you're better off without 'em.