The Pacific Northwest's longest-running male strip club is finally moving to a new location.
Back in March, Silverado announced on its Facebook page that it would be leaving its Old Town location, at where it's existed since 2008. (It originally opened in the 1970s, in the building that currently houses the Crystal Hotel downtown, under the name Flossie's.) Though patrons packed in on the weekend of March 31 for what was supposed to be the last weekend, Silverado stayed open through spring and into the fall.
On Dec. 20, the club announced that it would be moving to 611 NW Couch St. The first day open will be Thursday, Dec. 27.
"We were lucky enough to be able to stay in our current location this last year even though the lease had already been transferred to the new tenants," says Trevor Wion, Silverado's social media manager. "They had permits and planning to do, so us paying the lease for them helped us both out."
Wion says neighboring strip club the Golden Dragon will be expanding into their former building.
Silverado's new location is next to Star Theater and across the street from Roseland Theater, and an easy walk to their direct competitor, Stag. The building has previously housed sports bars, including the recently closed gay bar Casey's.
Related: Stag Is One of the West Coast's Only Gay Strip Clubs
Wion says Silverado has taken on extensive renovations for the building, including earthquake retrofitting, soundproofing and new fire sprinklers.