Northeast Portland Vietnamese Restaurant and Karaoke Bar Yen Ha Is Closing

Opened in 1984, the restaurant and bar became as known for hosting wild karaoke nights as its stiff drinks and expansive menu.

IMAGE: Courtesy of Yen Ha Facebook.

Yen Ha, one of Portland's oldest Vietnamese restaurants and a hotspot for karaoke, is set to close later this month.

The owners made the announcement Saturday on Facebook.

"It's been an honor to serve, eat, drink and laugh with you all," the post read. "Through the years, we have gotten to know the community and the families surrounding us. We're incredibly grateful to our loyal customers and our amazing staff, thank you for your friendship and support."

Yen Ha opened 6820 NE Sandy Blvd. in 1984, and over the years became as known for hosting wild karaoke nights as its stiff drinks and expansive menu.

No explanation for the closure was given, but a farewell party is in the works before the bar shuts for good on Oct. 21.

Related: After a Decade of Transience, Portland's Cult-Favorite Karaoke Night Baby Ketten Puts down Roots on Southeast Powell.

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