Downtown Bar Kelly’s Olympian Is Hosting a Pop-Up Vaccination Clinic Next Week—and Offering Free Drinks With Each Shot

In Portland, the quickest way to a person’s arm is through their liver.

Kelly's Olympian Kelly's Olympian. (Alex Wittwer) (Alex Wittwer)

As cities look to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates across the country, several brands have stepped up to ply the skeptical and slow-acting, whether it’s with free Krispy Kreme doughnuts or free fries from Shake Shack.

In Portland, though, the quickest way to a person’s arm is through their liver.

A few Oregon breweries and bars have offered free alcohol with proof of vaccination, but next week, Kelly’s Olympian is streamlining the process by hosting a pop-up vaxx clinic and offering a free drink to anyone of legal drinking age who comes through for their jab.

The century-old downtown bar is holding the clinic in partnership with Preventive Primary Care of Portland on May 25 and 27, and possibly other dates if it proves popular enough.

The vaxx is Johnson & Johnson. The drinks? One beer or well drink.

Quick question: If we’re already fully vaccinated, is there any harm in getting vaccinated again? Asking for a friend.

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