Junkyard-Themed Boneyard Beer Has Won a cult Following for Its Hoppy Brews

When it comes to classic West Coast IPAs, it’s hard to beat a really good batch of RPM,

(Rosie Struve)

37 NW Lake Place, Bend, 541-323-2325, boneyardbeer.com. 11 am-6 pm daily.

Tony Lawrence's junkyard-themed Bend brewery has won a cult following thanks to its IPAs, especially the RPM, which has tap handles all over Portland. The tasting room, in an industrial neighborhood of Bend, keeps banker's hours and is the size of a one-car garage and outfitted with stainless steel and a wide selection of brewery merch. Despite that, it tends to be plenty crowded with snowboarders and dirt bikers looking to grab an $18 Boneyard-branded growler filled with fresh IPA. Though Boneyard made its name with hoppy beers, it has somewhat recently started making a raspberry sour and a Belgian-style wit. The hoppy beers are still the way to go, even if they're constantly in flux and of unpredictable quality. When it comes to classic West Coast IPAs, it's hard to beat a really good batch of RPM. Here's hoping you get lucky on your visit.

Nearby: White Water Taphouse (1043 NW Bond St., 541-797-2178, whitewatertaphouse.com), is a great place to sample Bend's entire beer scene at once.

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