(Abby Gordon)

Contact Us

Please note we receive many emails and phone calls every day, and are not able to return every inquiry. The best way to reach us is by email.

Here’s how to best get in touch with someone at WW:

If you’d like to directly reach our News Editor, please contact Aaron Mesh at amesh@wweek.com

If you’d like to reach out directly to our Publisher, please contact Anna Zusman at azusman@wweek.com

If you need to reach out by phone, you can leave a voicemail at 503-243-2122. We try to get back to messages, but we are unable to respond to every call. It’s helpful to describe your question or concern.

Our mailing address is:

Willamette Week

PO Box 10770

Portland, OR 97296


Publisher: Anna Zusman


Editor: Aaron Mesh

Arts & Culture Editor: Robin Bacior

Assistant Arts & Culture Editor: Andrew Jankowski

Staff Writers: Anthony Effinger, Joanna Hou, Sophie Peel, Rachel Saslow

Copy Editor: Matt Buckingham

Art Department

Creative Director: Whitney McPhie

Graphic Designer: Sophia Mick


Director of Advertising Sales: Maxx Hockenberry

Ad Media Manager: Beans Flores

Account Executives: Michael Donhowe, Emily Martin

Community Outreach

Give!Guide & Friends of Willamette Week Executive Director: Toni Tringolo

Give!Guide Campaign Assistant: Molly Rodrigano

FOWW Membership Manager: Jamie Strickler


Circulation Director: Skye Anfield


Manager of Information Services: Brian Panganiban